Yuvatharani, a 2-year-and-8-month-old girl from Pudukkottai district, is facing a critical health challenge. She has been diagnosed with pulmonary atresia/VSD/S/P Rastelli repair/critical LPA stenosis/dilated RV-PA conduit.
The child had already undergone 2 stages of surgery, and now she requires an urgent surgery – LPA plasty + reconstruction of distal conduit. The estimated treatment cost is Rs. 3,25,000/- (including surgery, ICU & hospital stay, post-OP investigations, and medications).
Mr. Velmurugan, the child’s father, works as a daily wage laborer in a catering service and earns Rs. 400 per day. With his meager salary, he is helpless to arrange the remaining treatment cost.
Realizing their financial struggles, we are seeking your kind support to help Yuvatharani’s surgery.