Mahadivyadharshini, a 6-year-old girl, who is in dire need of life-saving cardiac surgery. She has been diagnosed with Pulmonary Atresia, VSD, MAPCAs, small branch PAs. She needs to undergo open heart surgery Unifocalization of the MAPCAs and complete intracardiac repair – RV – PA tissue valve conduit for correction of the same
The cost of the procedure is
Rs. 5,50,000/- (including surgery, ICU & Hospital stay and medications).
In the month of July 2024, she had undergone an angiogram, which revealed the severity of her condition, and the doctors have confirmed that an open-heart procedure is her only chance for survival.
Unfortunately, her mother, Ms Revathi, is struggling to arrange the funds necessary for the surgery. The family is already facing financial hardship, as the father has left due to family issues, leaving the mother to raise her child alone.
We are therefore reaching out to kind-hearted individuals and organizations like yours to request your support in giving this little girl a second chance at life.
Please consider helping us provide this precious child with the opportunity to grow, thrive, and lead a healthy life. Your generosity could be the key to giving her a future filled with possibility.