Renuga Devi, a vibrant one-year-old, was born with a congenital heart condition called Tetralogy of Fallot. For her family, a humble household in a rural area of Thiruvallur district, life was already filled with daily struggles. Her father, Mr. Suresh, a brick kiln worker, earned a meager daily wage of just Rs. 100. Despite his tireless efforts, the family could barely make ends meet, and the thought of affording costly medical treatment for Renuga Devi was beyond their means.
Mari was a vibrant 5-year-old girl, full of life, laughter, and curiosity. She lived in a close-knit gypsy community with her parents, Elango and Pushpa, who were bead sellers and honey collectors. They traveled from town to town, sharing their crafts and honey, and Mari’s days were filled with the colors of the beads and the sweetness of the honeycomb.
At CHIME, we bring light to the lives of children in need. Your support helps us provide essential surgeries, screenings, and awareness programs. Every contribution, no matter the size, directly impacts a child's chance at a healthier future. Join us in making a difference by giving the gift of hope today.